High heels and hockey bags are colliding as the boyfriend moves in....
Last year my boyfriend moved in and we were immediately faced with the fact that I already had a fully furnished home, but he had furniture too. So, how do you make it work? And even bigger, how am I going to give up my closet space?! I immediately posted an ad on www.craigslist.com entitled "My boyfriend is moving in and thinks I'm a hoarder, come buy my stuff...garage sale!" I had a ton of people come out to the sale, referencing how the post caught their eye and how they thought it was hilarious. We were able to get rid of items that we both decided we didn't need, extra TV units, extra couches, our extra vacuum we no longer needed, etc. It has been a work in progress, but the more that you can purge together, the more room you have to grow together. Since that time, we have combined our lives so that each room is made up of things we have kept or found together. With this comes more compromise than probably either one of us would've thought we could make, but our home is now something that we both made together and we are very proud of. It's now the perfect combination of high heels and hockey bags.
Move in tip- Make a project together that will act as a centerpiece for a room in your home. We opted to build a funky mirror for our living room. We had been to many stores looking to find the right accent mirror, but everything we found was over a thousand dollars. After finding a beautiful one we loved at Z Gallerie, we decided we would try to build one like it ourselves. We first drew up the design, then my boyfriend (being the crafty man that he is) figured out how to build a sturdy frame that would hold the mirrors we would glue on. The frame had to be light enough not to be overwhelmingly heavy once the mirrors were added. We collected the wood, screws, hooks, silver spray paint for the wood and cement glue at Home Depot, then bought square mirrors of 3 different sizes at Hobby Lobby and Lowes. The mirrors cost from $3-$5 a piece. My boyfriend built the frame and attached the wall hooks. We both helped to spray paint it and then I laid out the mirror design, glued them to the wood and...VOILA!

We are so proud of the project that we built together at a cost of $120
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